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Interesting cherry story....I am anxious to hear about the results of your experiment. What do most of the Japanese women make with the bounty ?

Absolutely Tokyo!

Ewwwww! Can't stand the idea of eating worms! How gross! I thought you were going to say something about snakes eating the cherries. I used to go out picking blackberries all around Seattle until one time I happened to notice several (small) snakes that seemed to be enjoying them. It was a little shocking, although actually I'd rather put up with the snakes than the worms! Yuck is right!!!

The new picture of you is really cute!


I am pretty positive I would have aobsolutely spazzed out at the sight of tiny worms in any cherry I was eating!!!


we actually have a sour cherry tree in our backyard. I should probably get out there and start picking them now because I've learned that if I pick early and often then I can run in, wash and pit them and make some nice muffins without a worm invasion. but wait just one day (if only I knew what day it was?) too long and the worms have moved in. I haven't actually experienced the worms myself but I felt TERRIBLE when I told a friend she could pick my cherries and she reported later that she got them home and found them full of the yucky wigglers!


I think they make juice, jam and liqueur like this.

Actually, the worms didn't bother me very much. I mean, once I'd discovered them I certainly stopped eating the cherries, but I wasn't all that grossed out. After eating inago (grasshoppers) in Nagano this spring, I guess I've toughened up a bit!
(here's a link to the inago story: http://www.japan-hopper.com/2006/05/02_16140.php

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